Click on "Pay by Credit Card" located on the lower left side of the PayPal page.
If giving on behalf of a friend, please be sure to give the name and mailing address of your friend on the PayPal form.
Step 1. Click on the PayPal icon above - AND
Step 2. Log into your PayPal account - OR
Step 1. Download, print this donation form.
Step 2. Fill out the form.
Step 3. Mail the form with your check to:
The FriendShip
2827 Wheat Street
Columbia, SC 29205
Make a Donation!
Mail a Check:
The FriendShip is a 501(c)3 non-profit registered with the South Carolina Secretary of State. The FriendShip relies on volunteers and community support to achieve its mission of keeping seniors independent, active, and engaged in the community. Please support The FriendShip and its members by making a tax-deductible donation on behalf of a friend or a loved one. Consider making a legacy gift by remembering The FriendShip in you estate planning; a qualified estate planner or tax attorney can help you.